Monday, December 31, 2012

Year in Training Recap

So it's the 31st of December and I thought I'd tally all my recorded training and races for the year in addition to the other items I could be focused on... My data was spread out across two devices (Adidas MiCoach on my BlackBerry and Nike+ from my iPod Nano) as well as inconsistent updates on my twitter feed. 

I'm barely cataloging swim distance. I only have a few pool sessions written up, nothing from actual workout data - need the right counter for that - and no total count on ocean swims at Zuma either. So this is definitely short by a few miles. (+/- 3 or so) Longest swim was 1.2mi during my IronMan 70.3, though some pool sessions were over 2k. 

Swim Total: 7.31 miles

Biking, a little different story. Most of my rides were tracked, though a new bike computer is a definite need for this next year. I've also slacked off lately quite a bit. No excuses, just an observation. Maybe a commuter bike purchase would add to my consistency? We'll just see. Long ride was 64 miles. 

Bike Races: IronMan CA, Day at the Beach Tri, PCF Beach Cruiser Tri (Watching the Tour of California finish Downtown does not count, but thought it was worth mentioning.)
Bike Total: 369.36 miles

Running is definitely the most often tracked activity for me, though not every run was cataloged. Also, I'm not adding any of the various 400's, 800's, 200's or track night distances from my CrossFit training, though the miles there have contributed well to speed work and improved form (efficiency?) since adding CF to my training. Longest run was 19.66 in just over 3 hours in February.

Run Total: 229.45 miles

That's over 600 total miles or about the distance from my house to Tuscon, AZ on Interstate 10. 
Curious now to see how far I go next year!!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom for Halloween

**obviously not training related**

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Oh, and this... of me snatching. 

Yeah, wide grip. It's a snatch. (Wish I had more weight on the bar for the pic!!)

2000 meter row

yesterday’s 2k row time trial was great for me – pacing was right on.

500m splits:1:51/1:49/1:50/1:48

total time 7:18.7

new goal = sub 7:10

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


This weekend I decided to ride up to the PCF Trail Run. Knew it would be an uphill climb and a challenge before the race, but I was up for it.

Sat am ride:
avg HR 149, hi 177 lo 106 (data from new watch)
Parked on PCH just past Topanga Canyon. 
Thought I could cut through up Cross Creek to Palm Canyon to get to Malibu Canyon, but it dead-ended in a gated community and I had to turn back around. That added time and about 1 1/2 miles. Went back down to PCH and around to Malibu Canyon for the climbing. Lots of climbing.
18.79 total miles 

trail run: Malibu Trail Race of Death 2.0 (no one died)
about 4 miles, with some terrain and added challenges like burpee-broad jumps back-and-forth across a 20-foot bridge, climbing around boulders, jumping on one foot through an agility drill ladder and around cones, jumping squats (6 sets x 10 reps) and picnic table climb-overs. I received a 40 sit-up penalty for missing two of the six words on the mental challenge (I turned indomitable into abominable, like the snowman, and missed another. Actual words: Nemesis, x-Ambition, x-Indomitable, Bizarre, Thrice, Meh.)
Total time: 56:40
avg HR 167, hi 183 lo 116
Overall, not toooo hard, but challenging following the effort of the ride. Started with a quick pace and definitely slowed as the course and challenges went on. Worked through the jumping squats unbroken at each station, same with the tables. Last uphill was enough to get me walking for two short breaks (and at least two times before that as well).

ride back:
avg HR 141, hi 165 lo 92
This time it was mostly downhill with no detours, but I was tired. I think I waited too long before getting back on the bike. Sitting around I started to tighten up. Should have just fueled up and ridden back after a short break. Instead I was hanging out for about 2 hours with only minimal stretching. Great food though!
Distance on the way back was 17.47 mi.

Then I watched a bunch of Olympics. Saturday and Sunday. 

Monday was Track Night
(instead of this workout:
12 minute AMRAP of:
30 Double-Unders
20 Shoulder Touches
10 Strict Pullups or Ring Rows)

About 6-7 drills through the agility ladder followed by the workout:
6x rounds of 3x shuttle sprints @25 meters (150 meters each round) every 2:00 minutes
~my splits 
41.87 rest 1:18
39.33 rest 1:21
41.28 rest 1:18
41.68 rest 1:18
42.61 rest 1:17
41.29 and done.
Fairly consistent splits, with one 1.5 secs faster. 
More track nights in my future, especially if they're at the new location.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Recent Workouts

Did I run last Thursday? Nope.

2 Deadlifts with bands (approx. 65% of your 1 RM on the bar) ~205#? Not sure of weight...
5 Strict DB press, as heavy as possible ~started w 35# 2 rds, 6x 45#
Rest 60 seconds

4 rounds for total working time of:
Run 400 meters
20 pull ups
Rest 1:1 between rounds
13:09 total working time if I remember correctly (19:++ total). First three rounds under 3mins (2:43, 2:47, 2:51, or so) with the last round over 3.  Doing the math on this was maybe the trickiest part, adding rest time to each round’s finish time was mental with the clock running. I like that it added a mental exercise to the taxing physical workout.
Reminder that sprints are not my strong suit – distance baby!!

swim @ Zuma
New goggles performed well. No leaks, no isues. I think that and my new watch 

were motivation enough to swim mostly straight through. It was a bright morning with clear skies, no marine layer to speak of. Lack of clouds and the goggles made the water very clear and see-through. (It's strange describing the clarity of water, but I'll get over that...) I could see the bottom occasionally, which was a new experience for me in the ocean. Swim took just over 20 mins, so now I have a base line to improve upon. Calm waters and a few breaks for sighting, but no real stops to fidget with gear or because I was too winded. 
After that I changed and went for a run. Did the 10k route (down along the beach path all the way to the cliffs) and ran two flights of stairs on my way back. Finished that in 51 minutes and headed home. (Thinking ahead to PCF's Malibu Trail Run this Sat.)

Thought about riding w Roy Sunday, but instead walked on the beach with Katrina. (Also, I was kinda sore.)

for strength: 4 sets of 3 Heaving Snatch Balances
Did these the previous week as well, which I was already adding the heaving part. It was difficult not to jump, and my ‘shrug’ is still a weakness.

“Power” Elizabeth
21-15-9 reps for time of
Power Cleans (135/95) ~115#

 -8 minute time cap-
Didn’t make the time cap @ 8mins, but finished my last three ring dips to get through it.

Back Squat 3-1-1-1-1 reps ~finished @ 275#
(Notes:  Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets.  Use 90-100-105-110-105 percents of your 3 rep max or heavier than last week.)

3 Rounds for time and reps
5 Squat Clean into Thrusters (135/95) ~105#
50 Double unders ~scaled to 25 makes
5 Squat Clean into Thrusters
1 min rest
1 min Max Effort Burpees ~15, 14, 16
1 min rest

This was a terrible workout for me. Doing the ‘Clusters’ after the d/u s was tough, and got worse each round. I was outside, and could see my reflection in the windows. I was pulling with arms bent before completing the deadlift. Once into the clean position the squats went well, just slower as I went on and repped out mostly one at a time.  
Did some handstand work afterward while stretching for something fun/productive after a frustrating wod. 

swam this morning @ Culver pool. a little warm-up and KB before
4x 200m (CF Endurance was 6x @ TT pace, but I didn't have that much time) with equal rest as the swim interval
First round was 4 mins and a little slower after that. last round was clocked at 3 and change, but that can't be right. Need to do this (full) regimen again and pay attention to timing. And figure out my watch better!!

And I'm headed to PCF for this later today: 
For time:
40 – 30 – 20 REPS OF

Should be a good one...

I'm skipping Friday and doing this on Saturday morning.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Swam in the am:
10x100, rest 30 sec between 100s,  
4x50 kickboard
broke this into two chunks 5 x 100 + 2 x 50 kick, last 5 100s took 20 secs rest
felt like I was passing a slower guy every time on the first five, so I adjusted the rest to stay in front or far enough behind.
good swim, but still not efficient as I want/need to be.
new goggles are great! testing them again Saturday, this time in the ocean...

CF in the evening:
Barbell warm-up:Spend 15 minutes to find 2 RM Snatch balance~started at 55# and worked up to 95#, failed @ 100#
50 Double unders ~scaled to 40 total makes & attempts (still single-double, single-double)
7 Snatch balance (95/65)  ~75#
30 Pushups ~2x15
30 Good Mornings with a barbell
3 Position Wall Extensions, 30 seconds each
Quad on Wall Stretch, 60 seconds each
Oh, and I rode Tuesday after work:
Oh, and I rode Tuesday after work:

AMRAP 12 minutes:
7 Hang power snatch (95/65) ~75#
~2 completed rounds + 40 d/u + 4 hp snatch

Cool Down:
~also tried a few pull-ups with the new fat-bar grips. Will certainly do more of these, as Diso said, "to recruit more muscle". Sounds good to me. Hear that muscle fibers? You're being recruited.
(I'm ready for the bike trail construction to be completed. Don't like the detours...)
not sure if this will link properly or not:
so I'm typing out the stats:
time: 53:35, 508 cal, 12.28 mi, 13.74 avg mph (4:22 min/mi), 1198 ft of elevation 
3x hill climbs and a short sprint.