Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Few Things ... and Nothing

So I figured I can just write whatever I want here....not the most profound thought for a blogger, (which I would not consider myself anyhow) but I can post more in relation to my training. 

Case in point, this picture:

What does a staged photo of me holding a giant rock have to do with my training? A few things, really. And also nothing, really. 
I am in a deep 'squat' stance, knees out over the toes, hips below the crease of my knee, and arms overhead. Good stance, but bad arm position - not locked out - rather, necessarily adjusted for humorous photographic effect. Like I'm holding a giant rock. More specifically a 340-ton boulder on the grounds of LACMA. Even more specifically the granite behemoth known as "Levitated Mass". I know and have better technique for an empty-handed overhead squat, but it's modified here for sake of the visual gag. 
These things I know from my practice of CrossFit. 
But if you didn't know, and why would you?, would the joke make sense? Possibly. Maybe it's just enough to create a smirk or snicker. 

Back to blogging my training. Since I do it some already on the twitter, I can certainly keep track using my other tools as well. As I've read numerous times, the more you track your training the better you can compare and see measured improvements over time. Since this is really why we do these things, for gains over time, right?... Right.

Paradiso CrossFit maintains a daily blog with workouts (WODs), so I can literally cut-and-paste the regimen and upload my own data: weight, time, scaling. 
Maybe I import photos I drag into the pinterest world. 
I might share a twitter link. 
I have no facebook, therefore no content/context from there.
flickr? Yes. Some.
I'm sure there will be plentiful additional resources as well, so expect to see some more, random as they may be.

That is all.

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