Thursday, July 19, 2012


Swam in the am:
10x100, rest 30 sec between 100s,  
4x50 kickboard
broke this into two chunks 5 x 100 + 2 x 50 kick, last 5 100s took 20 secs rest
felt like I was passing a slower guy every time on the first five, so I adjusted the rest to stay in front or far enough behind.
good swim, but still not efficient as I want/need to be.
new goggles are great! testing them again Saturday, this time in the ocean...

CF in the evening:
Barbell warm-up:Spend 15 minutes to find 2 RM Snatch balance~started at 55# and worked up to 95#, failed @ 100#
50 Double unders ~scaled to 40 total makes & attempts (still single-double, single-double)
7 Snatch balance (95/65)  ~75#
30 Pushups ~2x15
30 Good Mornings with a barbell
3 Position Wall Extensions, 30 seconds each
Quad on Wall Stretch, 60 seconds each
Oh, and I rode Tuesday after work:
Oh, and I rode Tuesday after work:

AMRAP 12 minutes:
7 Hang power snatch (95/65) ~75#
~2 completed rounds + 40 d/u + 4 hp snatch

Cool Down:
~also tried a few pull-ups with the new fat-bar grips. Will certainly do more of these, as Diso said, "to recruit more muscle". Sounds good to me. Hear that muscle fibers? You're being recruited.
(I'm ready for the bike trail construction to be completed. Don't like the detours...)
not sure if this will link properly or not:
so I'm typing out the stats:
time: 53:35, 508 cal, 12.28 mi, 13.74 avg mph (4:22 min/mi), 1198 ft of elevation 
3x hill climbs and a short sprint.

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